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An insight into the anticancer effects of fermented foods

Filip Roxana

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Environmental and dietary changes have been identified as major causes of globally noncommunicable diseases such as aging-related diseases and cancers. It is known that 30–40% of cancer can be prevented by modifiable risk factors and behavioral changes, including dietary habits. The objective of this study is to investigate fermented foods relevant to anticancer effects. Cancer treatments needs more effective therapy with less toxicity. Natural foods have gained popularity both in cancer treatment and prevention. Some nutrient components in fermented foods are called “naturally fortified functional nutrients” because they reduce cancer risk, help maintain a healthy gut microbiome that protects against physiological homeostasis and various diseases. Bacteria used during fermentation, which is a natural process in the formation of fermented foods; it synthesize vitamins and minerals, produce proteinase, peptidase enzymes, bioactive peptides, and remove some non-nutrient elements, the acids formed during fermentation show anti-carcinogenic effects.



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