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Lesnic Andrei

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Lesnic Andrei last won the day on May 22 2024

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About Lesnic Andrei

  • Birthday 05/10/1997

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  1. Blasting a patch of patients’ stomach lining with thermal energy curbed hunger and cut pounds, researchers reported in a small pilot study to be presented at the annual Digestive Disease Week meeting on May 19 in Washington, D.C. The study’s authors pinned participants’ weight loss on reduction of a hunger hormone called ghrelin. The hormone acts like a dinner bell for the brain, sending the message that it’s time to eat. Less ghrelin means fewer hungry feelings. There isn’t a drug available to lower the hormone’s level in the blood, but doctors can directly target the tissue that makes ghrelin. Cells lining the upper portion of the stomach pump out most of the hormone. Burning these cells away should lead to weight loss, reasoned study coauthor Christopher McGowan, a gastroenterologist at True You Weight Loss, a clinic in Cary, N.C. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/burn-stomach-lining-ghrelin-weight-loss Doctors threaded an endoscope (black tube) down a patient’s throat and into their stomach (left). Then, they burned away a patch of tissue lining the upper part of the organ (gray section, right). That destroyed cells that produce a key hunger hormone. Ideea e a inca nu exista tratament sau remediu pentru/impotriva hormonului *grelina* care provoaca foamea la oameni. Am putea sa facem o cercetare in culturile antice, si cu cunostintele pe care le mai are domnu doctor am putea crea un remediu natural impotriva acestui hormon/foamei, astfel nu am mai fii nevoiti sa distrugem parti din corpul nostru.
  2. Chia seeds contain antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients play a role in supporting multiple body functions and systems. Chia seeds may be small, but they’re incredibly rich in nutrients. A staple in the ancient Aztec and Maya diets, these seeds have been touted for their health benefits for centuries. The nutrients in chia seeds may promote heart health, support strong bones, and improve blood sugar management. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-proven-health-benefits-of-chia-seeds
  3. 99% ingrediente de origine naturala. Cu ulei de ricin, avocado, masline si muscata, unt de shea, extract de grau si morcov. Fara parabeni, parfum sau coloranti, Perfecta pentru femeile insarcinate sau proaspetele mamici. Preturi: 60 lei pentru 500ml/flacon
  4. 94% ingrediente de origine naturala Ideal pentru tratarea: tenului lipsit de fermitate si elasticitate, uscat, cu riduri.Potrivit tuturor tipurilor de ten. Produsul nu contine parfum, silicon, parabeni, uleiuri minerale, fenoxietanol sau PEG (Polietilenglicol – compus pe baza de petrol). Preturile sunt: 12 lei pentru 10ml/flacon 61lei pentru 50ml/flacon
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