Title: A well-chosen title should be catchy and reflect the topic of the article. Introduction: The article begins with an introduction that introduces the topic and its importance in the context of research and development. It might also include a brief outline of the problem or research question the article will address. Background: Here, background information is provided on the subject of research and development. Previous innovations, relevant discoveries or trends in the field can be listed. Objectives and Methods: The objectives of the research or development and the methods used to achieve these objectives are explained. This is a crucial aspect of any research article as it gives readers a clear understanding of how the research was done. Results: Here the results of the research or development are presented. It may include data, statistics, graphs or concrete examples that show progress made or important discoveries. Discussion: The results presented above are analyzed and their significance explored. The implications of the results for the respective field or for society as a whole can be discussed. Conclusions: The key conclusions of the article are summarized and the importance of the topic in research and development is emphasized. Future Prospects: Potential directions for further research or development in this area are discussed. Bibliography: The article concludes with a list of sources or bibliographic references used to support the arguments and information presented in the article. Final Notes: R&D blog articles can vary in length and complexity, depending on the target audience and the specifics of the topic covered. However, they should be well structured, well documented and provide a useful and informative insight into the scientific and technological advances in the field.
296 topics in this forum
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Environmental and dietary changes have been identified as major causes of globally noncommunicable diseases such as aging-related diseases and cancers. It is known that 30–40% of cancer can be prevented by modifiable risk factors and behavioral changes, including dietary habits. The objective of this study is to investigate fermented foods relevant to anticancer effects. Cancer treatments needs more effective therapy with less toxicity. Natural foods have gained popularity both in cancer treatment and prevention. Some nutrient components in fermented foods are called “naturally fortified functional nutrients” because they reduce cancer risk, help maintain a healthy gut mi…
Last reply by Filip Roxana, -
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The therapeutic story of European mistletoe (Viscum album L.) presents a seesawing profile. In ancient times, this hemiparasitic plant was considered a panacea and even to be endowed with exceptional beneficial properties. In more recent times, despite its multiple uses in traditional medicines, some parts of the plant, in particular the berries, were considered poisonous and dangerous, including concerns of cytotoxicity, which spread serious suspicion on its medicinal utility. However, since the last century, medical interest in mistletoe has come back in force due to its utilization in clinical cancer treatments, based on its selective action on tumor cells. In Central …
Last reply by Filip Roxana, -
Panax ginseng (Korean ginseng) is renowned for its health-promoting properties, attributed to its bioactive compounds, including saponins, polyphenols, and polysaccharides, which possess both antioxidant and anti-aging activities. This study investigated the anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects of compounds isolated from the hot water extract of fresh P. ginseng roots, evaluating their resistance to TNF-α/IFN-γ-induced skin cell damage. Among 14 compounds, ginsenoside Rf (compound 2) showed significant multi-target effects. In NHDFs, ginsenoside Rf and others effectively reduced intracellular ROS, demonstrating strong antioxidant properties. Additionally, they inhibit…
Last reply by Filip Roxana, -
The skin microbiota, with its millions of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, plays a key role in balancing the health of the skin and scalp. Its continuous exposure to potentially harmful stressors can lead to abnormalities such as local dysbiosis, altered barrier function, pathobiont overabundance, and infections often sustained by multidrug-resistant bacteria. These factors contribute to skin impairment, deregulation of immune response, and chronic inflammation, with local and systemic consequences. In this scenario, according to the needs of the bio-circular-green economy model, novel harmless strategies, both for regulating the diverse epidermal infectious and inflammatory…
Last reply by Filip Roxana, -
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Diverse plante și compuși naturali au fost folosiți în mod tradițional pentru a trata și a preveni bolile, pentru a calma durerea, pentru a crește puterea corpului și pentru a vindeca leziunile pielii. Achillea millefolium este o plantă binecunoscută din familia Asteraceae, care a fost studiată pe larg pentru proprietățile sale terapeutice în condiții, cum ar fi tulburările menstruale, malaria, durerile de cap, tusea și leziunile pielii. Mai multe studii au arătat că aplicarea topică a diferitelor tipuri de extracte de A. millefolium (ulei esențial (EO), extract hidroalcoolic etc.) îmbunătățește procesul de vindecare a diferitelor leziuni ale pielii. Studiile anterioare a…
Last reply by Filip Roxana, -
Curcumin mediates both dilation and constriction of peripheral arterioles via adrenergic receptors Curcumina are atribute de vindecare a rănilor mediate printr-o multitudine de activități biologice care, în general, nu sunt atribuite unor receptori specifici. Recent am demonstrat că curcumina limitează progresia leziunilor prin arsuri la un model de șobolan. Deoarece scăderea perfuziei microvasculare este un element central al progresiei leziunii prin arsuri, am emis ipoteza că curcumina poate induce vasodilatație în arteriolele periferice, pentru a îmbunătăți perfuzia.
Last reply by Pristavu Mircea-Cosmin, -
The effects of Gymnema Sylvestre supplementation on lipid profile, glycemic control, blood pressure, and anthropometric indices in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis Există un interes din ce în ce mai mare pentru beneficiile considerabile pentru sănătate ale suplimentelor cu Gymnema Sylvestre (GS), deoarece unele studii au raportat că poate îmbunătăți factorii de risc cardiometabolici.
Last reply by Pristavu Mircea-Cosmin, -
A. europaeum is a well mentioned Unani herb, belonging to Aristolochiaceae family and indigenous to the Eastern and Southern Europe. A. europaeum has traditionally been utilised in Unani medicine to treat respiratory ailments, gastrointestinal disorders, neurological diseases, hepatic chaos, genitourinary disorders, snake poisoning, vector-borne infections, and epidemic prophylaxis. This review aims to compile the previous and present available information concerning about the ethno-botanical aspects, phyto-chemical constituents, isolated metabolites, and pharmacological profiling of this herb correlating the principles of Unani doctrine, thereby may offer series of valua…
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
Aim: The aim was to evaluate the analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-hyperlipidemic activities of Commiphora molmol extract (CME) and its effects on body weight and blood lipids. Materials and Methods: The analgesic effect was assessed using thermal (hot plate test) and chemical (writhing test) stimuli to induce central and peripheral pain in mice. The anti-inflammatory activity was determined using formalin-induced paw edema in rats. For anti-hyperlipidemic effect, 25 rats were randomly divided into five groups (n = 5). Group 1 was fed on basal diet (normal control), while the other four groups were fed on high-fat diet for 6 weeks to induce obesity and hyperlipi…
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
The present study evaluated the chemical composition and the in vitro and in vivo antioxidant potential of Ammi visnaga L. essential oil to provide a scientific basis for the use of this plant in the traditional pharmacopoeia. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to identify the volatile constituents present of the oil. The in vitro antioxidant capacity was evaluated by the DPPH and the reducing power assays. For the in vivo tests, oral administration of Ammi visnaga L. oil (600 and 1200 mg/kg body weight) was performed in Swiss albino mice treated with acetaminophen (400 mg/kg). The toxic effect of acetaminophen and the action of the essential oil were measured …
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
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The present study was designed to explore the neuroprotective properties of Aconitum napellus (Ranunculaceae). The plant detoxification was done using either water, or cow or goat milk as per the Ayurvedic shodhana method. The evaluation of the neuroprotective role of A. napellus was performed on diabetic neuropathy induced by streptozotocin in Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. Body mass, blood sugar level, oral glucose tolerance test, hyperalgesia, cold allodynia, motor co-ordination test, and locomotor activity, oxidative biomarkers (TBARS, reduced glutathione, catalase and superoxide dismutase) and sciatic nerve histomorphology were assessed. The in vitro studies were done on …
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
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Sfecla este plină de vitamine și minerale, dar are un conținut scăzut de calorii și grăsimi. Ele sunt, de asemenea, o sursă bună de câțiva nutrienți cheie, inclusiv acid folic, mangan și cupru. Conține o concentrație mare de nitrați, care pot ajuta la scăderea tensiunii arteriale. Acest lucru poate duce la un risc redus de boli de inimă și accident vascular cerebral. Consumul de sfeclă poate îmbunătăți performanța atletică prin îmbunătățirea consumului de oxigen și a rezistenței. Pentru a le maximiza efectele, consumați-le cu 2-3 ore înainte de antrenament sau de competiție. Sfecla conține nitrați, care pot crește fluxul de sânge către creier și pot îmbunătăți funcția cog…
Last reply by Filip Roxana, -
Fomes fomentarius: An underexplored mushroom as source of bioactive compounds Fracțiile FF au prezentat activități promițătoare, cum ar fi antioxidante și antiproliferative. Compușii vizați în principal au fost compușii fenolici, polizaharidele și lipidele. Sunt necesare experimente suplimentare pe modele animale și studii clinice. Bioaccesibilitatea, biodisponibilitatea, analizele senzoriale și ale consumatorilor încă lipsesc.
Last reply by Pristavu Mircea-Cosmin, -
Ononis spinosa L. is a plant traditionally used as folk remedy. There are numerous studies regarding chemical constituents and health beneficial properties of Ononidis Radix. The following study was designed to investigate chemical composition and antifungal potential of the methanolic extract obtained from the O. spinosa L. herb. Chemical analyses regarding phenolic compounds of O. spinosa were performed by liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (LC-DAD-ESI/MSn). Antifungal activity, antibiofilm properties and antifungal mode of action of the extract were evaluated, as well as cytotoxicity. Chemical analyses revealed the presence of flavonoids, isoflavonoids and ph…
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
Essential oils from plants have been proven safe as natural antioxidants, and few are already marketed as digestive enhancers as well as in prevention of several degenerative diseases. This study evaluated the antioxidant capacity of seed and shell essential oils of Abrus precatorius (L), a herb used for ethno-medicinal practices in Nigeria. The essential oils were obtained by hydro-distillation. The ability of the oils to act as hydrogen/electrons donor or scavenger of radicals were determined by in-vitro antioxidant assays using 2,2-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl free radical (DPPH.) scavenging; 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging…
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
Helleborus purpurascens Waldst. & Kit. (Helleborus purpurascens L.) from the Ranunculaceae family has been used as a medicinal plant in Romanian and European ethnomedicine for centuries . One of the first mentions of the therapeutic effect of this plant occurs in Diseases of Women by Hippocrates. Also, the use of the plant in Dacian medicine is reported in De Materia Medica. In traditional European medicine, hellebore is used for its antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, cardiotonic, analgesic, antiseizure, laxative and other effects. Modern Romanian studies from the end of the last century have demonstrated the therapeutic potential of the plant in the treatme…
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
Antioxidant activity kombucha coffee (Coffee spp) with variation concentration and type Kombucha este o soluție dulce de ceai fermentată prin utilizarea creșterii simbiotice a drojdiei și bacteriilor. Kombucha poate fi făcut din cafea care poate fi folosită ca mediu de creștere pentru Acetobacter xylinum. Cafeaua are compuși antioxidanți care pot alunga radicalii liberi și se așteaptă să fie folosite ca băuturi funcționale. Acest studiu își propune să determine activitatea antioxidantă și proprietățile chimice ale cafelei kombucha. Acest studiu a folosit un design complet randomizat (CRD) cu doi factori, și anume varietatea de cafea (Arabica, Robusta, Liberica) și co…
Last reply by Pristavu Mircea-Cosmin, -
This work initiates the original and updated literature review of the current state of research on the Saniculoideae subfamily, emphasizing the selected genera Saniculeae, namely Sanicula, Hacquetia, Astrantia, and Eryngium. Various parts of these plants, especially aerial parts and roots, have an immense range of medicinal uses in traditional medicine for a number of ailments. Phytochemical studies conducted on the Saniculeae species indicate that these plants synthesize metabolites belonging to diverse groups of compounds. These include triterpenoid saponins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, coumarins, volatile organic compounds, polyacetylenes, ecdysteroids, phytosterols, l…
Last reply by ihab.samaan, -
Origanum vulgare L. (oregano, wild marjoram), an herbaceous Mediterranean species of the Lamiaceae family, comprises several subspecies such as hirtum Ietsw., vulgare L., viridulum (Martrin-Donos) Nyman, glandulosum (Desfontaines) Ietswaart, gracile (Koch) Ietsw., virens (Hoffmanns. & Link) Ietsw., and viride L.. In Romania, the most widespread O. vulgare species is O. vulgare ssp. vulgare . In terms of chemical composition, research on O. vulgare species from various countries have previously been reported: Italy , Greek , Serbia, Egypt , Pakistan , China , India , Iraq , Macedonia . Representatives of the following important classes of active principles were reveal…
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
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Uleiurile esențiale sunt un amestec de uleiuri volatile aromatice naturale extrase din plante. Utilizarea uleiurilor esențiale este străveche și a predominat în diferite culturi din întreaga lume, cum ar fi cele ale egiptenilor, grecilor, perșilor și chinezi. Astăzi, uleiurile esențiale sunt folosite în medicamentele tradiționale și complementare, aromoterapie, terapii de masaj, cosmetice, parfumuri și industriile alimentare. Efectul de screening al uleiurilor esențiale a fost studiat în întreaga lume. Ele demonstrează o serie de activități biologice, cum ar fi proprietăți antiparazitare, antifungice, antibacteriene, antivirale, antioxidante, antiinflamatorii, anticanceri…
Last reply by Filip Roxana, -
The demographic situation of the last few decades is characterized by the increased numbers of elderly and senile people, i.e., by the aging of the population. In humans, ageing is closely associated with the enhanced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), development of systemic inflammation and related vascular atherosclerotic alterations and metabolic disorders, like obesity, diabetes mellitus and neurodegenerative diseases. As these age-related alterations are directly associated with up-regulation of ROS production and development of chronic oxidative stress, their onset can be essentially delayed by continuous daily consumption of dietary antioxidants—natural …
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
Since the introduction of bioabsorbable magnesium alloys into cardiovascular stent technology, many researches have been conducted to improve these metallic scaffolds. Various coatings and different coating techniques, super plastic deformation techniques and synthesizing different Mg-based alloy are examples of such efforts. In this study, a magnesium based alloy (WE43) was coated with dexamethasone loaded polymeric nanoparticles via electrospraying method. Drug release behavior, drug inhibitory effects, surface properties and cell responses to the surface were evaluated. Drug release profile was investigated and compared to drug-loaded nanoparticle on stainless steel as…
Last reply by Mara Dumitrache, -
Alchemilla vulgaris L. (lady’s mantle) was used for centuries in Europe and Balkan countries for treatments of numerous conditions and diseases of the reproductive system, yet some of the biological activities of lady’s mantle have been poorly studied and neglected. The present study aimed to estimate the potential of A. vulgaris ethanolic extract from Southeast Serbia to prevent and suppress tumor development in vitro, validated by antioxidant, genoprotective, and cytotoxic properties. A total of 45 compounds were detected by UHPLC–HRMS analysis in A. vulgaris ethanolic extract. Measurement of antioxidant activity revealed the significant potential of the tested extract …
Last reply by Panciu Corina-Maria, -
De ce este fierul atât de important pentru sănătate? Fierul este un nutrient esențial care joacă o gamă largă de roluri în corpul uman. Poate cel mai faimos, este o componentă importantă a hemoglobinei, care transportă oxigenul în sânge. De asemenea, este important pentru o serie de procese metabolice, inclusiv sinteza ADN și producerea de energie. O afecțiune comună cauzată de rezervele scăzute de fier este anemia cu deficit de fier, dar fierul inadecvat este, de asemenea, asociat cu o serie de alte afecțiuni de sănătate. De exemplu, potrivit autorilor noului studiu, deficitul de fier este, de asemenea, legat de: sindromul picioarelor nelinistite, scăderea capacității fi…
Last reply by Filip Roxana, -
Antiepileptic drugs (ADEs) are now used to treat a wide range of neurological problems, although their usage is still restricted due to their side effects, particularly hepatotoxicity. Thus, this study consists of the therapeutic effects of non-conditioned Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and the MSCs preconditioned with cherry extract (MSCs CM) on mitigation of liver damage induced by the dual administration of antiepileptic drugs such as Levetiracetam (L) and Oxcarbazepine (O).
Last reply by Mara Dumitrache,