PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru
59 topics in this forum
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Healing with herbs has been a common practice for ages. Nowadays, various infectious diseases like malaria, flu, hepatitis B; COVID-19, etc. are commonly spreading around the world as a consequence of environmental pollution and related consequences. These diseases are not well controlled by the present drug treatment. Antibiotics are failing because of bacterial resistance. Although people believe that herbal medicines are more effective and safer. Therefore, traditional herbal remedies have been recommended for treatment purposes throughout the world. They are often used in combination, fused with honey, or alone for curing different types of ailments. Today, modern for…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Selenium (Se) is one of the essential elements for human health, where Se-containing compounds can prevent cancer and reduce mortality by regulating of the cell cycle and apoptosis. Exopolysaccharides from Fomes fomentarius have been used in traditional medicine to treat cancer. It appears that the combination of Se and fungal polysaccharides may be more effective. The effect of adding Na2SeO3 to the culture medium of the Iranian medicinal fungus F. fomentarius is investigated in this study. Adding 20 mg/L Na2SeO3 to the culture medium changed the F. fomentarius morphology and improved the structure of exopolysaccharides. Several methods, including FTIR, EDS, and ICP-OES,…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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Bleeding caused by trauma or surgery is a serious health problem, and uncontrollable bleeding can result in death. Therefore, developing safe, effective, and convenient hemostatic materials is important. Active hemostatic agents currently used to investigate the field of hemostasis are divided into four broad categories: natural polymers, synthetic polymers, inorganic materials, and metal-containing materials. Hemostatic materials are prepared in various forms for wound care applications based on the active ingredients used. These materials include nanofibers, gels, sponges, and nanoparticles. Hemostatic materials find their applications in the field of wound care, and th…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
This review reports on the effects of fermentation on the chemical constituents and antioxi- dant activity of plant-based food materials. Fermentation involves a series of reactions that modify the chemical components of the substrate. It could be considered a tool to increase the bioactive compounds and functional properties of food plant materials. Oxidative damage is key to the pro- gression of many human diseases, and the production of antioxidant compounds by fermentation will be helpful to reduce the risk of these diseases. Fermentation also can improve antioxidant activity given its association with increased phytochemicals, antioxidant polysaccharides, and antioxi…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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Vom folosi si fermentari cu waterkefir. This research is part of an effort to enhance fermented whey proteins’ quality and nutritional value. In this research, we investigated the feasibility of using a natural fermentation approach on whey proteins. We determined the protein digestibility, non-nutritive compounds (including phenolic compounds and saponins), and microbiological quality of water kefir-fermented whey proteins. Due to the water kefir-induced fermentation of whey proteins, the protein digestibility improved from 88.48 to 94.33%. The protein quality of fermented whey proteins has been modified after the water kefir fermentation, as observed with the chang…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
This study investigated the effect of ultrasound-assisted fermentation on the metabolic responses of traditional and mango-flavored Kombucha fermentation. The results revealed significant differences in the sugar consumption kinetics of sonicated kombucha. Sucrose consumption over 9 days of fermentation (F1) was higher for control than US-processed kombucha. During the second fermentation (F2), ultrasound processing increased the rates of sucrose consumption as the US processing time increased. US15 increases sucrose consumption by 19 %. Ultrasound favored a higher yield of gluconic, propionic, and isobutyric acids than non-processed kombucha (control) and important chang…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Copiii care folosesc produse de îngrijire personală, cum ar fi creme de protecție solară, loțiuni, săpunuri și articole de îngrijire a părului, au niveluri ridicate de ftalați în corpul lor, care le perturbă hormonii, arată un studiu recent. Băieții tind să să fie mai afectați decât fetele. Studiul a verificat peste 600 de probe de urină de la copii cu vârste între patru și opt ani pentru ftalați, care sunt perturbatori endocrini foarte toxici ce pot modifica producția de hormoni și sunt legați de bolile de reproducere, ale sistemului imunitar și și metabolice. De asemenea, sunt considerați toxici pentru dezvoltare, influențează comportamentul și capacitatea de învăț…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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Infertilitatea masculină este mereu lăsată pe al doilea plan, iar toată atenția este mereu focusată asupra infertilității feminine, de multe ori ajungându-se la niște practici invazive împreună cu cocktail-uri hormonale. Pur și simplu pentru că s-a uitat de această infertilitate masculină. Infertilitatea masculină, un aspect des neglijat Este foarte important să știm că infertilitatea masculină afectează 40-50% din cupluri, astfel fiind responsabilă de aproape de jumătate din cazurile de infertilitate de cuplu. Din acest motiv este foarte important pentru mine acest articol, pentru că fiecare femeie trebuie să fie conștientă că de multe ori nu este o problemă cu…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Kombucha culture (named SCOBY-Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeasts) and milk kefir grains represent multiple consortia of wild microorganisms that include lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria and yeasts with valuable functional properties. Their fermentative potential provides a wide range of derivate metabiotics (prebiotics, probiotics, postbiotics and paraprobiotics) with valuable in vitro and in vivo benefits. This study targeted the evaluation of the functionality of a co-culture of SCOBY-based membranes and milk kefir grains, used as freeze-dried starter cultures, for the fermentation of a newly formulated medium based on black tea infusion, supplemented with …
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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Ştiinţa din spatele acestei maladii “de speriat” e una foarte simplă și dovedește că mereu avem de învățat, conștientizat mai ales. Corpul fizic: E format din trei părţi principale: celule şi două lichide (sânge şi limfă). Sângele alimentează cu ”hrană” toate celulele din corpul nostru, iar limfa preia toxinele rezultate în urma simplei funcţionări a celulelor şi le duce la organele de detoxifiere (piele, ficat, rinichi), pentru a le scoate din corp. EXEMPLU: Un nou-născut pentru a creşte, are nevoie de două lucruri vitale: să fie hrănit şi să i se schimbe scutecele. Exact la fel e şi cu celulele noastre. Ele au nevoie de hrană (prin sânge) şi de …
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) have specific properties that result from their biosynthesis particularities. Chitosan can prevent pathogenic biofilm development. A wide palette of bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) biological and physical-chemical properties are known. The aim of this study was to develop a hydrogel formulation (SeBNCSFa) based on ferulic acid-grafted chitosan and bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) enriched with SeNPs from Kombucha fermentation (SeNPsK), which could be used as an adjuvant for oral implant integration and other applications. The grafted chitosan and SeBNCSFa were characterized by biochemical and physical-chemical methods. The cell viability and prol…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Legenda numelui „Mâna Maicii Domnului” este strâns legată de tradițiile populare și credințele religioase românești. Această floare, cunoscută și sub denumirea științifică de Lonicera japonica sau caprifoi, este asociată cu puritatea, protecția și binecuvântarea maternă. Legenda numelui „Mâna Maicii Domnului”: Povestea spune că, în vremuri de demult, Fecioara Maria, mama lui Iisus Hristos, a căutat adăpost într-o pădure pentru a se ascunde de cei care îi urmăreau pe ea și pe pruncul ei. Obosită și dorind să-și odihnească copilul, Maica Domnului a găsit un loc liniștit sub o tufă de caprifoi. Ea și-a întins mâna peste florile delicate ale plantei, ca un gest de p…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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Nanocelluloses (NCs) are appealing nanomaterials that have experienced rapid development in recent years, with great potential in the biomedical field. This trend aligns with the increasing demand for sustainable materials, which will contribute both to an improvement in wellbeing and an extension of human life, and with the demand to keep up with advances in medical technology. In recent years, due to the diversity of their physical and biological properties and the possibility of tuning them according to the desired goal, these nanomaterials represent a point of maximum interest in the medical field. Applications such as tissue engineering, drug delivery, wound dressing…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Articol al partenerului nostru prof.Giuseppe Castaldo aparut azi in Pubmed: Fibromyalgia (FM), a chronic disease with a high incidence in women, poses a significant challenge for diagnosis and treatment, especially due to the absence of specific biomarkers and the multifaceted nature of its symptoms, which range from neuromuscular pain to mood disorders and intestinal dysbiosis. While diagnosis currently relies on rheumatological clinical evaluations and treatment options mainly focus on symptom management, FM seems to have possible links with systemic metabolic dysfunctions with a common inflammatory root. In this context, a new therapeutic avenue emerges: could a therap…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Bee products, including honey, have been utilized since ancient times for nutritional and therapeutic purposes. Recently, other bee products such as bee pollen, royal jelly, and propolis have caught a lot of attention. Being high in antioxidants and bioactive compounds, these products have established their applications in the pharmaceutical field as supplementary or alternative medicines. This review focuses on their use against polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)-related infertility. A systematic search of electronic databases including PubMed, Web of Science ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar was conducted from their inceptions up to November 2022. Studies with a small s…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Kombucha is a customary tea-based beverage that is produced through the process of fermenting a mixture of tea and sugar water with symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). Traditional kombucha has various beneficial effects and can improve immunity. The significant market share of Kombucha can be attributed to the growing consumer inclination towards healthy foods within the functional beverage industry. The research focus has recently expanded from the probiotics of traditional black tea kombucha to encompass other teas, Chinese herbs, plant materials, and alternative substrates. There is a lack of comprehensive literature reviews focusing on substance transform…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Beverage fermentation is an ancient ritual that has been practised for millennia. It was slowly disappearing from households and communities due to the advancement of manufacturing technology and the marketing of soft drinks until the recent revival of the beverage fermentation culture due to an increase in the demand for health drinks amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Kombucha and kefir are two well-known fermented beverages that are renowned for their myriad of health benefits. The starter materials for making these beverages contain micro-organisms that act like microscopic factories producing beneficial nutrients that have antimicrobial and anticancer effects. The materials…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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Kefir is a fermented beverage with renowned probiotics that coexist in symbiotic association with other microorganisms in kefir grains. This beverage consumption is associated with a wide array of nutraceutical benefits, including anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-diabetic, anti-hypertensive, and anti-hypercholesterolemic effects. Moreover, kefir can be adapted into different substrates which allow the production of new functional beverages to provide product diversification. Being safe and inexpensive, there is an immense global interest in kefir’s nutritional potential. Due to their promising benefits, kefir and kefir-like products hav…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Neuroplasticity refers to the ability of the brain to reorganize and modify its neural connections in response to environmental stimuli, experience, learning, injury, and disease processes. It encompasses a range of mechanisms, including changes in synaptic strength and connectivity, the formation of new synapses, alterations in the structure and function of neurons, and the generation of new neurons. Neuroplasticity plays a crucial role in developing and maintaining brain function, including learning and memory, as well as in recovery from brain injury and adaptation to environmental changes. In this review, we explore the vast potential of neuroplasticity in various asp…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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Swiss ingredient manufacturer Mibelle Biochemistry has launched MonaJuventa Nu, a new botanical extract that targets the key biological processes involved in aging. Derived from scarlet beebalm (Monarda didyma), an aromatic herb from the mint family and native to Eastern North America, contains high quantities of bioflavonoids such as didymium and isosakuranetin. Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is included as a technical process stabilizer. "We tested several plant extracts for activity in various cellular anti-aging markers such as epigenetic aging, telomere shortening rate, and ATP production in mitochondria, Dr. Torsten Grothe, head of food and health at Mibelle& …
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Kombucha is a healthy and becoming popular beverage worldwide. It is produced from tea leaves using symbiotic cultures of bacteria and yeast. Herein, we explored the use of pineapple peels and cores (by-products), as alternative ingredients for kombucha production. We examined crude pineapple kombucha (PK) for its microbial diversity, metabolites, and its impact on the cellular immune response in PBMCs older individual ex vivo. We observed a substantial shift in bacterial diversity, with higher percentages of Blautia and Lactobacillus compared with the original kombucha. This microbial variation may be attributed to the PK’s bioactive compounds. The expression of CD4+CD28…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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A study from the Hackett group at EMBL Rome shows that disrupting the gut microbiome of male mice increases the risk of disease in their future offspring. The gut microbiota is the microbial community that occupies the gastrointestinal tract. It is responsible for producing enzymes, metabolites, and other molecules crucial for host metabolism and in response to the environment. Consequently, a balanced gut microbiota is important for mammalian health in many ways, such as helping to regulate the immune and endocrine systems. This in turn, impacts the physiology of tissues throughout the body. However, little was known about the impact of the gut microbiota on ho…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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Atasat MULTIFLORAL BEE POLLEN FERMENTED IN A KOMBUCHA CONSORTIUM (AMRITA®) AND ITS POTENTIAL ANTIAGING AND AGE-RELATED DISEASES BENEFICIAL EFFECTS Dr. Ionut Moraru*, Dr. eng. Angela Moraru*, Dr. biochem. Cristina Mateescu** *Laboratoarele Medica S.A.**Apimondia Scientific Commission on Apitherapy Prezentare AMRITA ANTIAGING.pdf
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
Many people associate NASA with exploring new worlds in space, but few know it's also finding new microscopic ecosystems right here. Years ago, Kasthuri Venkateswaran, a scientist who decontaminates spacecraft bound for Mars, found a curious microorganism on the end of his swab. The bacteria, which he named bacillus pumilus, was so resilient, the usual cleaning solutions — ultraviolet light and peroxide — wouldn't kill it. That discovery led to sending a specimen to the International Space Station, where astronauts hung it outside the laboratory 250 miles above Earth to see what would happen. When the sample came back, many of the spores were still alive, even a…
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru, -
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Inorganic metals supplement the chemical repertoire of organic molecules, especially proteins. This requires the correct metals to associate with proteins at metalation. Protein mismetalation typically occurs when excesses of unbound metals compete for a binding site ex vivo. However, in biology, excesses of metal-binding sites typically compete for limiting amounts of exchangeable metals. Here, we summarise mechanisms of metal homeostasis that sustain optimal metal availabilities in biology. We describe recent progress to understand metalation by comparing the strength of metal binding to a protein versus the strength of binding to competing sites inside cells. …
Last reply by PhD.MD. Ionut Moraru,